After the first meeting .. Macron: We will work with Meloni with dialogue and ambition

After the first meeting .. Macron: We will work with Meloni with dialogue and ambition

On Sunday, French President Emmanuel Macron promised to work with the new Italian Prime Minister, Georgia Miloni, with “dialogue and ambition”, after a few minutes of their first meeting between them in Rome.
The French President had earlier thanked Mario Draghi, the former head of the European Central Bank, through Twitter and published a photo of the former Italian prime minister.

The leader of Italy’s extreme right, Meloni, took the constitutional oath as prime minister on Saturday and promised to maintain tight ties with her foreign friends despite differences in opinion among her coalition partners.
Meloni tweeted, “I am ready to work with NATO, this is more than just a military alliance: it is a fortress of common values that we will not stop defending. In response to a congratulations message from the Secretary-General of NATO, Yenos Stoltenberg.

After taking office on Sunday, the French President is the first foreign leader to meet the Italian prime minister.
Meanwhile, Georgia Meloni, the first woman to assume the prime minister in her country, tried to reassure the European Rome partners, speaking of her association with NATO and its determination to support Ukraine.

Antonio Tajani, a former member of the European Parliament, has been appointed as deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs, and Gancarlo Gorgti, a member of the “League” party who represents the moderate side, has been appointed as minister of economy.

Following the initial meeting. Macron: We will work with Meloni with dialogue and ambition

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