3 Kaboni handwriting messages at an American auction next month

3 Kaboni handwriting messages at an American auction next month

The Cabonian Al-Kabouni will present three handwritten letters to a gang of infamous gang members next month to provide them support throughout the ban and his time in Chicago Oftot.
Grechen Hazi, Vice President and Specialist in Books and Manuscripts at Hindman’s auction, said that Caboni’s messages to his loyal friends, William and Lorin Siliz, who had his favorite Wisconsin resort, represented some of the most pivotal moments of his time with Chicago Oftit, which will host the auction in November 9.

The auction letter to be launched next month was written two days after the North Side Gang tried to assassinate Kaboni at the South Side Restaurant in January 1925, and Caboni wrote in the speech, “Well, things were so exciting that I hadn’t time to change clothes. ”
The texts, according to Haws, “address the Capone assassination attempt in 1925, smuggling, and constructing a new gang headquarters outside Chicago in 1929.

“We are unaware of any examples of Capone’s messages from this crucial time in his life, when the impact on Chicago’s organised crime was at its height, that will be made available for sale.
Four speeches written by Caboni, according to Haws, have been auctioned off in the last fifty years.

3 Kaboni handwritten notes will be auctioned off in America next month.

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