World News Hungarian protests … the election of the President of Lebanon tomorrow … Peace in Ukraine..Rishi runs for the British Prime Minister

World News Hungarian protests … the election of the President of Lebanon tomorrow … Peace in Ukraine..Rishi runs for the British Prime Minister

The “Al-Ahram Gate” provides the most significant world news for this evening, including: protests in Hungary; the upcoming election for the president of the Lebanese Republic; and more. There is a chance for peace in Ukraine. Here are the specifics of Rishi’s bid for British Prime Minister.

a violent protest against the education policy of the prime minister
On Sunday, tens of thousands of Hungarians took to the streets of Budapest, the country’s capital, to protest the educational policies of Prime Minister Viktor Urban’s right-wing administration.

Tomorrow, the Lebanese Parliament holds its fourth session to choose a new leader of the country.
Tomorrow, the Lebanese House of Representatives will hold its fourth session to elect a new speaker of the republic, in the plenary session called by the Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri last Thursday at the end of the third session, in which it was not possible to elect a new president for the country because none of the candidates obtained the percentage prescribed to win the elections.

Macron: When Ukrainians decide it, there may be peace in Ukraine.
French President Emmanuel Macron said on the opening of a peace summit in Rome that “peace is possible” in Ukraine when “the Ukrainians decide.

“Rishi Sonak declares his candidacy for prime minister of Britain in writing.
While Boris Johnson’s nomination was still up in the air, the former British Finance Minister Rishi Sonak declared on Sunday that he was running for prime minister on the day of the Conservative Party’s internal elections.

World News Protests in Hungary… tomorrow’s election for president of Lebanon… Ukraine is at peace. Rishi is a candidate for British Prime Minister.

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