Video .. India launches a missile carrying 36 satellites

Video .. India launches a missile carrying 36 satellites

the first launch from southern India of the London-based “One Web” corporation since it split from the Russian Space Agency in March.
Sumanat, head of the Indian Space Agency, said that 16 satellites have been placed in orbit, expressing his optimism that “the remaining twentieth satellites will be separated safely like the first 16 satellites.

” For her part, Rajiswari Pelay Rajagobalan, a specialist in space and security at the “Observer Research” Foundation in New Delhi, said that the launch process is importance for India and reflects the gradual openness of the Indian Space Agency to private sector agents.
She continued by pointing out that India is skilled at launching smaller satellites, is attempting to control this market, and advertises itself as a launch facility.

Moons of “One Web”
One Web currently has 462 satellites in orbit to offer global wide-area internet services. Despite the upheaval this year, the corporation claimed it is still on track to launch 648 satellites and activate worldwide coverage as scheduled for next year.
The “One Web” satellites each weigh roughly 150 kilos.
This was the 14th launch overall for the “One Web” organisation, and it utilised India’s largest missile, which is typically used to launch government satellites.

Considering that the company’s first launch took place in 2019, it is important to note that all of its prior operations involved Russian missiles.

India launches a missile with 36 satellites on board in the video.

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