Trump: If you were president, a war would not have erupted in Ukraine

Trump: If you were president, a war would not have erupted in Ukraine

In his campaign for president in 2020, Donald Trump said that if he had won, the crisis in Ukraine would not have broken out.
Trump’s statement came on Saturday in a massive gathering of his supporters in Texas, where he alluded to the former president for his willingness to participate in the upcoming US presidential elections in 2024, according to Russia today.

The inability to carry out the withdrawal of American soldiers from Afghanistan, which he called “the worst humiliation of the United States,” was one of the policies adopted by the current US administration led by Democrat Joe Biden. ”
“Right now, there is a war in Ukraine that could result in the deaths of tens of thousands of people.”
If I had still been in the presidency, this “would never have happened, even throughout a million years.

I am familiar with him, and (Russian President Vladimir) was not Putin to never do such a thing.
Earlier, Trump expressed his belief that the conflict in Ukraine should end by concluding a “deal”, not by sending millions of dollars from aid to Kyiv..

Trump: If you were president, a conflict in Ukraine would not have broken out.

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