To get rid of water retention … a little carbohydrates and follow a rich diet with protein

To get rid of water retention … a little carbohydrates and follow a rich diet with protein

While there are a number of factors, such as the weather, drugs, and hormonal changes, that cause your body to retain water, your food may also be a factor. According to the “Livestrong” website, a diet high in carbohydrates and poor in protein may cause your body to retain water.

advantages of protein
Protein is often linked to muscle building, but the protein in your diet plays a number of important roles in your body, the protein is found in each cell which is the primary component and structure for all your organs and tissues, in addition, the protein is needed to make antibodies that block viruses and bacteria And enzymes that help you digest food and hormones that help regulate the various systems in your body, including reproduction and metabolism.

Protein deficiency and water retention
As a structural component of your cells and your organs, the protein actually helps to maintain fluids in the place you need, if you do not get enough protein in your diet, these structures may disintegrate, allowing fluid to leak, causing edema or fluid accumulation.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the majority of people are not at danger for not eating enough protein. However, if you follow an extremely low-calorie diet and don’t receive enough protein, you can gain weight through fluid retention rather than reducing it.

high protein intake and water retention
When you eat carbohydrates, your body stores it in your muscles in the form of a glycogen, which requires fluids, when you lose weight when following a high -protein and low -carb diet, you initially lose water, not fat, however, as long as you consume fewer calories than your body needs in your system You should start shedding fat if you eat foods high in protein.

your financial plan
According to the control and prevention centres (CDC), eating a protein-rich diet may aid in maintaining a fluid balance for overall good health, even when other dietary factors, such as eating more carbohydrates or sodium, may cause your body to retain fluids. You must consume 10 to 35 percent of your total calories as protein. Protein is found in meat, poultry, seafood, dairy products, soy foods, beans, lentils, vegetables and grains, among other foods..

A few carbohydrates and a high-protein diet should be followed to reduce water retention.

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