Stoning hope to death raises a whirlwind .. and her lawyer explains

Stoning hope to death raises a whirlwind .. and her lawyer explains

After it was reported that a request to overturn the decision ordering the 20th girl, “Amal,” to be stoned to death had been denied following her appeal before the Supreme Court, the case of the 20th girl has once again come to light in Sudan.

Many Sudanese have been debating “stoning” on social media sites recently, despite the fact that this penalty has not been used in the nation for the past 10 years. The judiciary has seen several cases resembling Mary’s, but every time the verdicts were overturned on appeal.

After the Costi Criminal Court in the White Nile State on June 26 (2022) issued a ruling on the 20 -year -old, to execute a stoning after being convicted of violating Article 146 (2) (adultery) of the Criminal Code, Sudanese Penal Code 1991, her lawyer submitted a request To appeal the ruling, amid fears of its rejection.
What caused the International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH) to start an online petition a few days ago asking for the young woman’s death to be postponed.

She also highlighted the numerous irregularities that tarnished the case in a statement published on her website, noting that her trial started without an official complaint from the Kosti police.

She also affirmed that the girl was denied legal representation during a stage of the trial despite the guarantees of representation outlined in Article 135 (3) of the Criminal Procedure Law of 1991, which guarantees the right of the defendant to legal representation in any criminal case with a penalty of at least 10 years in prison, amputation, or death.

She pointed out that since the Kosti Criminal Court’s ruling, the authorities have not submitted the case for approval to the Supreme Court.
In addition, it considered that most provisions of adultery issues are issued in Sudan against women, which highlights the discriminatory application of legislation, which is a violation of international law that guarantees equality before the law and non -discrimination on the basis of sex.

However, the Sudanese attorney, Intisar Abdullah, who is in charge of representing the girl in Arabic, categorically denied that the Court of Appeal had backed the death penalty in light of the confusion that surrounded the case, particularly regarding the acceptance or response to the appeal request.

She explained that this morning, Sunday, she reviewed the court and that the case was still before the appeal judge, denouncing the rumors of the support of the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of the Ruling, describing this as malicious rumors.
She also mentioned that the trial court’s or the Kosti court’s judgement is the most recent decision made in that matter.

Notably, this first decision made headlines in July when one of Kosti’s judges gave the girl known by the nickname Amal the death penalty after finding her guilty of adultery.
Since the publication of E, numerous organisations have worked to get it revoked since it infringed on people’s rights to life and a fair trial.

A whirlwind is raised when hope is stoned to death, as her attorney explains.

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