Anthology of Bakoufki and Naguib Mahfouz in the new issue of the Creativity Magazine

Anthology of Bakoufki and Naguib Mahfouz in the new issue of the Creativity Magazine

The new edition of “38” of the “Creativity” magazine, which is headed by the editorial of the writer Ibrahim Dawood, was published by the Egyptian General Book Authority, and the number fees for the artist Taha Al-Qarni arrived.

In the fourth edition, the magazine included the 38th issue, a collection of short stories for some writers, including: “Abu Tifa by the writer Sayed Shaaban, and wrinkles by writer Mohamed Attia Mahmoud, escaping from the circus by the writer Shaima Ahmed Ghoneim, and Schalke Raff to the writer Yara Kamal. ”
“In the presence of water and dirt, for death an eye that does not sleep, sacrifice,” and other short poems without links were among the poems in the poetry chapter.

“Amir Taj Al-“Something Sir’s of Talking,” Ahmed Al-“Margins Shafi’i’s without Board,” and Maha Hassan’s “The Right of Criticism of the Father” were among the items in the issue.
There were the following studies in the section: “The novel’s beautiful depiction of the experience of war, the princess and the guy from the public’s alternative lives, the swan’s tweet depicting the hero and society, and David’s ideas in retrospect are just a few examples.

” As for the translation section, it included the translation of several poems by the poet Charles Bakoufsky, from the translation and presented by Karim Druze, and among the poems “My Ficarian’s ambition, a final story, friends in the dark. ”
The topic “Naguib Mahfouz Al-Raqeeb, which was chased by censorship” was published by the free space door.

In the most recent issue of Creativity Magazine, there is an anthology by Bakoufki and Naguib Mahfouz.

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