A rare day without death and no corona in all Arab countries

A rare day without death and no corona in all Arab countries

Since he first emerged in December 2019 in the Chinese city, every Arab region has seen a death or injury.

We find this in what was stated yesterday, Saturday, on the “World Metrines” website from its headquarters in the United States, all the “Corony” activity in the globe, moment by moment, from new injuries and deaths in each country or region, and the close of its data with what is broadcast by the American University of Johns Hopkins University “in the American Johns Hopkins University Where it is every day when Al-Arabiya.

net noticed that it was informed in Worldometter yesterday evening, that there was no death or injury in any Arab country, and for the first time in almost 3 years.
The Arab globe is not regrettable in the case of a deterrence and good-bye to a late virus from it.

More than 6,581,000 people have been injured worldwide, and it has killed more than 171,000 Arabs and caused more than 632,662,000 injuries. In the Arab countries, according to what appears to be a schedule offered below, it is removed from the last and comprehensive year, its data were received in “World Metraz”, yesterday, Saturday.

The schedule is what was the “Korouni” situation last Friday in 19 Arab countries, which is the rare that was without any death and injury, noting that the table data clarifies, that the number of those who recovered from injuries reached more than 12 million and 500 thousand, while it remained, while it remained. Over 21 thousand people are receiving treatment, with 864 being in a serious condition.

Although no deaths have been documented, owners of the animals have reported injuries, which they have then treated themselves for. As a result, it is unknown whether the owners survived or died as a result of the injuries.

Today, on Sunday, the “Worldometer” data shows that 14,582,732 people around the world are in need of medical attention for “Kovid-19” or one of its dependencies, with 38,568 of them in critical condition.

According to the website, the 10 most affected nations were the United States, India, France, Germany, Brazil, South Korea, Britain, Italy, Japan, and Russia. These nations only experienced half of the global total of injuries and fatalities, as the virus killed more than 3 million and 300,000 of their citizens in just three years.

In all Arab nations, a rare day without death and without a corona

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