100 years after the discovery of Tutankhamun’s cemetery .. Who is the boy?

100 years after the discovery of Tutankhamun’s cemetery .. Who is the boy?

We are only a few days away from the 100th anniversary of the discovery of King Tutankhamun’s grave, an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who was interred in an opulent cemetery full of golden artefacts in the Valley of Kings close to the present-day Luxor. Because he ascended to the throne in the fourteenth century BC at the age of 9 or 10, he is sometimes referred to as the “Boy King.”

He passed away roughly a decade later, and his grave, which was rich of treasures, was found largely intact, which was exceptional considering that the majority of the graves in the Valley of the Kings were looted in antiquity. The King Tut became a well-known name once the world’s attention was drawn to the uncovering of his tomb in 1922.
“It is difficult to imagine the last century without Tutankhamun and discover his tomb. “.

“While Tutankhamun’s cemetery was opulent, historical and archaeological evidence suggests that the young pharaoh was ill and spent his brief period of rule in retreating from a religious revolution that his father Akhenaten started. There was no media obsession equal to the mania of Tut and the mummy curses.

His father, Akhenaten, was a revolutionary pharaoh who attempted to concentrate Egypt’s polytheistic religion on the worship of the sun disc, Aten. In his enthusiasm, Akhenaten ordered the destruction or distortion of the names and images of other Egyptian gods as He built a new capital in what is now known as Tel Al-Amarneh and was able to carry out these actions without a widespread violance. King Tutankhamun was named at birth. He was

In a painting that was discovered in Karnak, close to the modern city of Luxor, Tutankhamun berated his father for his actions, claiming that Akhenaten’s religious revolution had made the gods ignore Egypt and that the young Tutankhamun, who was on the throne at the time, had a strong reliance on advisors.

100 years after the discovery of Tutankhamun’s cemetery .. Which boy is he?

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