Yemeni Defense Council: Houthi attack on Daba is a deliberate war crime

Yemeni Defense Council: Houthi attack on Daba is a deliberate war crime

The National Defense Council in Yemen warned that the Houthi terrorist escalation would exempt the Yemeni government from all the obligations from which the Houthi militias, including the Stockholm Agreement and the elements of the collapsed humanitarian armistice, are in the wake of the attack by the militia on the oil port in Hadramout.
The Council promised to take all necessary steps to lessen the negative consequences on local residents in terrorist militia-controlled areas.

The Supreme Commander of the Yemeni Armed Forces, Rashad Al-Alimi, presided over an emergency meeting of the National Defense Council on Saturday to discuss how to deal with the fallout from the terrorist attacks carried out by the Houthi militia, which is backed by the Iranian government, on the ports of Daba and Al-Rashim in the governorates of Hadramout and Shabwa.

In accordance with a defensive, diplomatic, and economic strategy to safeguard the interests of the Yemeni people and thwart all the pitiful sabotage attempts of the destructive Iranian project in Yemen, the Council took a number of firm decisions to deter such criminal attacks, according to a statement released following the meeting. The Council also directed the government to immediately implement these decisions.

The National Defense Council considered the options put forth to address these sabotage attacks aimed at international peace and security as well as the humanitarian suffering of the Yemeni people, as well as a variety of circumstances and reports submitted by members of the National Defense Council and governorates of the governorates.

The National Defense Council urged the international community to take responsibility for this dangerous escalation, which was initiated by the Houthi militias and their backers by targeting civilian notables and business establishments in a deliberate war crime that calls for harsh punishment. The council also called for designating these militias as an international terrorist organisation and enacting all relevant sanctions.

In a related development, the Houthi group has been designated as a terrorist organisation by the National Defense Council, the top military and security authority in the legitimate Yemeni government.
The National Defense Council published Resolution No. on Saturday.

1 of 2022 to classify the Houthi coup militias, a “terrorist organization” in accordance with the Crime and Penal Code, the Arab Convention against Terrorism, and the international and regional agreements and treaties approved by the Republic of Yemen.
The competent authorities were instructed by the National Defense Council to complete the required steps to carry out the decision.

The organisations and people that support, aid, host, or otherwise work with this terrorist group have also been warned that harsh measures and punishments will be implemented against them.

Houthi attack on Daba is a planned war crime, according to the Yemeni Defense Council

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