The Ukrainian Prime Minister warns of a “migration tsunami” if Russia’s attacks on Ukraine continue

The Ukrainian Prime Minister warns of a “migration tsunami” if Russia’s attacks on Ukraine continue

In an interview that was released on Sunday, Ukrainian Prime Minister Dennis Shammal warned of a “new migration” tsunami if Russia kept attacking his nation’s civilian infrastructure.
According to excerpts from an interview with the German newspaper Frankfurter Zeitung, published Sunday, Shamegal, who will attend the German Economic Forum in Berlin on Monday, accused Moscow of wanting to “dump Ukraine in a humanitarian catastrophe.”

“A fresh migrant wave may result if there is no longer electricity and water in Ukraine,” he stated.
He alerted people to Russia’s desire to “Give Ukraine a severe winter when people may actually perish from the cold. An unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe in Europe following World War II may result from this.”
Shamgal urged the deployment of frozen Russian origins overseas to rebuild Ukraine.

He noted that there are seized Russian assets worth between $300 billion and $500 billion dollars and claimed that the damage inflicted by the Russian strike is presently “more than 750 billion dollars.”
We must create a system to seize Russian assets, he continued.
Following the German Economic Forum on Monday, where President Voludmir Zellinski will make an address via video, a global summit for the reconstruction of Ukraine will take place in Berlin on Tuesday.

According to a ministry official for Agence France-Presse, German Defense Minister Christine Lambrech will meet on Tuesday to discuss the delivery of potential additional military shipments.

If Russia’s attacks on Ukraine continue, the prime minister of Ukraine warns of a “migration tsunami.”

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