The first response from Taiwan to the decision of the Communist Party of China regarding the rejection of its independence

The first response from Taiwan to the decision of the Communist Party of China regarding the rejection of its independence

News from Al-Madinah: Today, Saturday, Taipei called on Beijing to abandon what she described as her “old mentality”, after the Chinese Communist Party decided to include his law to reject the independence of Taiwan.

The Taiwan Continental Council, which sets Taiwan’s foreign policy toward Beijing, issued a statement saying, “We call on the new leadership of the Chinese Communist government to abandon its ancient mentality (based on) invasion and confrontation, and to resolve differences with peaceful, fair, and realistic ways.”

The Chinese Communist Party agreed today, Saturday, to make amendments to its charter, aiming to consolidate the fundamental position of President Xi Jinping and the extension role of his political idea within the party, at the conclusion of its conference, which is held twice every 10 years.
The Communist Party also made the decision to include a sign, indicating “opposition,” Beijing, and Taiwan Independence, for the first time in its charter.

The Communist Party conference decided to “agree to incorporate data in its charter on (…) the uncompromising resistance to the separatists who seek to attain the independence of Taiwan, and deter them,” according to the resolution.
Despite Taipei’s rejection of Beijing’s claim that Taipei, which is self-governing, is an essential component of its territory, Beijing holds this belief.
Source: Al -Jazeera + Agencies.

The initial reaction from Taiwan to the Communist Party of China’s decision to reject its independence

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