Republican committee sues Google over email spam filters

Republican committee sues Google over email spam filters

THE AP: SAN FRANCISCO Prior to the November midterm elections, the Republican National Committee launched a lawsuit against tech giant Google. Google has denied the RNC’s allegations that it has been blocking its email solicitations.

In a lawsuit filed on Friday night in the District Court for the Eastern District of California, the Republican National Committee (RNC) claims that Gmail unfairly sent emails from the organisation to users’ spam folders, undermining its efforts to raise money and mobilise voters in crucial swing states.
In a statement to The Associated Press, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said, “Enough is enough; we are suing Google for their clear bias against Republicans.”

“Google has sent key end-of-month Republican GOTV and fundraising emails to spam without any justification for ten months running. We are dedicated to ending this blatant trend of bias.
In a statement, Google refuted the accusations. We simply don’t filter emails based on political party, as we have stated time and time again.

Gmail’s spam filters reflect users’ actions,” said spokesperson José Castañeda, adding that the company provides training and guidelines to campaigns and works to “maximize email deliverability while minimizing unwanted spam. ”
The complaint focuses on Google’s Gmail, the most popular email service in the world with nearly 1.5 billion users, and how it filters out solicitations and other content to help users avoid being overrun by junk mail.

Google and other big email providers develop programmes that flag communications likely to be seen as unwanted and transfer them to spam folders that are often rarely, if ever, perused by recipients in an effort to filter material that account users may not want in their inboxes.

The suit says Google has “relegated millions of RNC emails en masse to potential donors’ and supporters’ spam folders during pivotal points in election fundraising and community building” — particularly at the end of each month, when political groups tend to send more messages. It doesn’t matter if the email is about volunteering, voting, or charitable giving. And it doesn’t matter whether the emails are sent to people who requested them,” it reads.

Although Google maintains that its algorithms are intended to be neutral, a North Carolina State University research published in March indicated that Gmail was much more likely to ban messages from conservative causes. The study, based on emails sent during the U. S. presidential campaign in 2020, estimated Gmail placed roughly 10% of email from “left-wing” candidates into spam folders, while marking 77% from “right-wing” candidates as spam.

The study discovered that Yahoo and Microsoft’s Outlook, competitors of Gmail, were more inclined to favour pitches from conservative groups.

The RNC used that study as justification in April to request that the Federal Election Commission look into Google’s “censorship” of its fundraising efforts, which it claimed amounted to a contribution in kind to Democratic candidates. The RNC also cited this case as “a financially devastating example of Silicon Valley tech companies unfairly shaping the political playing field to benefit their preferred far-left candidates.”

Since then, the commission has given the go-ahead for a trial programme that gives political parties a method to sneak past spam filters and deliver their fundraising emails to recipients’ main inboxes. Gmail takes part in the “Verified Sender Program,” which enables senders the option to avoid using conventional spam filters while still allowing consumers to unsubscribe from a sender.

If the unsubscribe button is hit, a sender is supposed to remove that Gmail address from their distribution lists.
The RNC has not signed up to take part in the trial programme as of Friday night.

Republicans have frequently tried to blame large technology companies like Twitter and Facebook that they claim were biassed against former President Donald Trump in their attempts to cast doubt on the outcome of the 2020 election without repeating the most extreme and fanciful claims about tainted voting machines and stolen votes. There is no proof of the widespread fraud Trump claims, according to a long number of state and local election officials, courts, and members of his own administration.

Colvin provided a report from Akron, Ohio.

Google is being sued by a Republican committee for its email spam filters.

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