Moscow warns against tampering with permanent membership and veto in the Security Council

Moscow warns against tampering with permanent membership and veto in the Security Council

News from Al-Madinah: In order to prevent a crisis and a replay of the “League of Nations” demise, the Russian Vice-President of the UN Security Council urged Dmitry Medvedev not to reconsider the status of permanent members of the body, including the veto.

According to what the Russian media quoted Medvedev as saying, “The founders of the United Nations Security Council (permanent members of the Security Council) should not be subject to review, including the veto (veto),” warning of the difficulties the UN will confront in this situation. The League of Nations (1920–1946), the first global organisation to fail to carry out the tasks related to collective security, suffered from a systematic crisis as a result, and as a result, the organisation will suffer a similar destiny.

The United Nations took over this organization’s responsibilities after the Second World War.
He emphasised how crucial it is for the UN to uphold the fundamental rule of international relations: “Equality between all countries and the need to listen to each country’s opinion.” This is the inevitable nature of the organization’s operations and its hierarchy of authority.

“The United Nations and the fundamental guidelines it adopted are the only international dispute resolution mechanism in existence, according to Medvedev. “It is not in any way flawless,” Medvedev said.
Additionally, Medvedev noted that the UN Security Council’s permanent members can be enlarged, but “Their abilities need to be produced.

” Medvedev urged to reject the Western idea of ​​the “regime on the basis of rules” firmly as unacceptable and harmful, saying: “The poor Western idea about the concept of the regime -based system must be rejected, rejected firmly as unacceptable and very harmful to humanity. It is utterly unspecified in its content and is advocated in opposition to the United Nations and other existing international institutions and regulations. No one can accept it.

” According to the high Russian official, this idea is dictated by “the desire of the obsessed Anglo Saxon, to the point of psychological deviations, in setting an ideological basis for their attempts to control the world. ”
The rest of the world has the option to follow its own path rather than submitting to this ideology, continued Medvedev.

Moscow issues a warning against meddling with the Security Council’s permanent membership and veto.

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