Moscow: NATO is close to a dangerous level that foreshadows confrontation with Russia

Moscow: NATO is close to a dangerous level that foreshadows confrontation with Russia

NATO is on the verge of a hazardous point that portends a direct military conflict with Russia, according to Constantin Forentsov, deputy director of the non-proliferation and arms control department at the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“The NATO countries prefer to keep quiet about their involvement in the Ukrainian crisis, but you cannot hide the truth; these countries are rushing to offer support for the Kyiv regime and continue to give it intelligence information, weapons, ammunition, training for his soldiers, and management of combat operations; as a result, they are getting closer to the danger line that threatens a direct military conflict with Russia.

Forentsov pointed out that more than half of the Western military aid to Ukraine came from the United States, with the total amount reaching 42. 3 billion dollars, according to the Kiel Institute for the Global Economy.
He continued: “Washington continues to reap the largest share of the gains from continuing bloodshed, as it is that European countries are forced to buy weapons and military equipment from them before sending them to Ukraine.

” He added, it should be recalled that American lending to Ukraine consists of 90 percent of loans that Kev cannot tolerate, at the same time this allows Washington to operate its military industrial complex, reduce inflation and create new jobs.
It is safe to assume that a sizable portion of these weapons are traded on the “black market,” which generates monthly sales of more than $1 billion.

In his final statement, he claimed that the European Union and NATO nations’ provision of weapons to Ukraine “makes it complicit in aggression against Russia, war crimes, and terrorist acts that Kyiv has been practising against civilians eight years ago… All those involved in [these] will undoubtedly be held accountable, and they will receive the punishment they deserve.”

Moscow: NATO is on the verge of a perilous threshold that portends conflict with Russia

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