4 tips to maintain the health of your high noise

4 tips to maintain the health of your high noise

The key to maintaining the health of your hearing is to know the amount of high sound that you are exposed to and most of the deafness cases are caused as a result of microorganism damage in the inner ear, and this damage can occur due to the frequent noise, and it is permanent, and there are steps to prevent hearing damage associated with noise and the key to keep your hearing properly According to the “Healthily” website, it is to avoid loud noise.

The intensity of the high sound and the time both affect the likelihood of causing hearing damage. Experts concur that long-term exposure to noise at 80 to 85 dB or above can result in hearing loss.
How to maintain hearing in noisy environments
1. Use earplugs.
Your chances of hearing loss increase with increasing noise levels and exposure duration.

Stay away from noise as quickly or as much as you can by protecting your ears with earplugs that are earproofing or protective.
If you are unable to leave the area, take regular 10-minute breaks to give your ears time to rest.
2. Dim the music
Avoid listening to your personal music player’s high-pitched music; if you find it difficult to listen to it or can’t hear anything around you when the headphones are on, the volume is too loud.

If someone standing next to you can hear music coming through headphones, the volume is very high.
3. Drive defensively.
Avoid listening to music for extended periods of time in enclosed spaces as this raises the risk of hearing impairment.
4. Give your ears a rest
After your ears have become quite sparkly, give them some time to heal. According to Action on Hearing Loss, after spending around two hours in the sound of 100 dB, such as in a club, your ears require at least 16 hours of comfort to recuperate.

Deafness that lasts a lifetime is more likely when healing times are shortened.

Four suggestions to keep your high noise in good health

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