Zahi Hawas calls on archaeological fans to sign the Rashid Stone Return Document from Britain

Zahi Hawas calls on archaeological fans to sign the Rashid Stone Return Document from Britain

The document, which calls for the return of a rational stone from the British Museum and the celestial dome in the Louvre Museum, was published today on a number of foreign websites, according to Dr. Zahi Hawas, an Egyptian archaeologist and former minister of antiquities. The document is now available for all supporters to sign in order to safeguard Egyptian antiquities in Egypt and around the globe.

The return of these two archaeological artefacts to Egypt is a significant acknowledgement of the commitment of Western museums to end a form of colonialism and provide compensation for this The colonial past, “Hawass” added. These pieces were placed in the interest of the Ministry of Antiquities prior to the events of 2011 and are unique pieces whose real place is the Grand Egyptian Museum.

The signatories of this document support the demand for the return of the two archaeological artefacts to their original country of origin, Egypt. The document will be sent to the British Museum and the Louvre Museum after it has been signed. “Hawass” called on the international community to demand the return of these artefacts, saying that we need to let the world know that they belong to Egypt.

After being in the United Kingdom for more than 200 years, British academics demanded that the Rashid Stone be returned to Egypt. According to the British Daily Mail, experts signed a petition stating the need for the return of the priceless 2200-year-old plate, which allowed for the decoding of hieroglyphics in 1822–1824.

Professor of Egyptology at the University of Manchester Joyce Tildisley agreed that now is the time to return them, adding that doing so won’t be harmful. “The talks can now commence on the second centenary of the stones of the stone to return it to his nation.”

Archaeology enthusiasts are encouraged by Zahi Hawas to sign the Rashid Stone Return Document from Britain.

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