World Health: Cholera is dangerous and may be killed in one day, but it can be prevented

World Health: Cholera is dangerous and may be killed in one day, but it can be prevented

In a recent statement, the World Health Organization’s director general, Dr. Tedros Ahamnum Gabrisius, revealed that 29 countries around the world have reported cholera outbreaks this year, including 13 that did not spread the disease the previous year. He noted that cholera is a very dangerous disease that can kill within a day but can be prevented with two doses of a safe and effective oral vaccine.

In order to help manage epidemics, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, MSF, and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Associations have been managing a global stock of cholera vaccines since 2013. However, the current wave of outbreaks has put unheard-of pressure on the stock.

The four agencies decided to switch from a double dose strategy to a single dose strategy as a result, he said, in order to provide more people with some protection from the limited stocks. The single dose strategy has proven to be effective in previous outbreaks, he added, but it is obvious that this is far from ideal, and rationing should only be a temporary fix.

Long-term prevention and control of cholera require a plan to increase vaccine production. In addition, the greatest way to prevent cholera output is to guarantee that people have access to clean water and sanitation.

He pointed out that the Ebola erupted in Uganda, and in total, 60 injuries and 20 possible cases have been confirmed, with 44 deaths, and 25 people recovered, adding that we are still concerned that there may be more transportation chains and more The Ministry of Health is looking into the last 8 cases because initial reports suggest that they were not among the well-known contacts, which explains that communications are more extensive than what we are aware of in the afflicted societies.

In addition, there were two confirmed cases from the Mobindy neighbourhood in Kampala, which raised the danger of an infection spreading there. The World Health Organization and its allies are still helping the Ugandan government fight fascism and stop it from spreading to new areas and nations.
The Emergency Committee on the Corona virus convened last week to go over the current state of affairs and the way forward.

I concur with the committee’s assessment that Corona continues to be a global health emergency that warrants attention as it emphasized the need to improve monitoring, increase access to diagnostics, treatments, and vaccines for those most at risk, and for all nations to update their special alert and national response plans. It goes on to explain that although there has been a noticeable improvement in the global situation since the outbreak of the epidemic, the virus is continuously evolving and there are still many unknowns and hazards. It also says that this disease has shocked us in the past and could do so again.


World Health: Cholera is risky and can cause death in a single day, but it can be avoided.

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