The Arab Parliament calls on the international community to intervene immediately to stop the siege of Nablus

The Arab Parliament calls on the international community to intervene immediately to stop the siege of Nablus

The Nablus governorate has been under an unjust siege by Israeli occupation forces for more than ten days, which has severely worsened the province’s economic situation and increased the daily suffering of the local Palestinian population by denying them access to their daily affairs. The Arab Parliament has called on the international community to step in and end the siege.

Naturally highlighting the gross disregard for all international laws and standards that this siege represents.

He emphasised that the tragic circumstances in the Nablus governorate as a result of the siege require an immediate and decisive pause by the international community, especially the United Nations, to assume its moral, legal, and political obligations, to stop these violations, and to call on the Human Rights Council, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and Institutions on Human Rights to stop these inhumane practises.

In a statement released on Friday, he reaffirmed his support for an initiative besieging your exclusivity that Al-Najah University in resolute Nablus had launched, as well as its support for all initiatives aimed at unravelling this unjust siege on the Nablus Governorate and assisting the residents of the province in leading normal lives and obtaining the most basic services that had been hampered by this siege.

The Arab Parliament emphasised that the occupying force’s abuses in all of the Palestinian cities it has occupied are being extended by this siege, particularly its policy of attempting to Jewishize Jerusalem, its ongoing storming of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and its crimes against the citizens of Jerusalem.

The parliament expressed its appreciation for the tenacity of the Jerusalemites stationed in occupied Jerusalem in its statement, emphasising its sympathy with them to strengthen their tenacity in the face of the occupying power’s atrocities.

The Arab Parliament requests prompt action from the international community to end the Nablus siege.

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