Tek Tok responds to her accusation of planning to spy

Tek Tok responds to her accusation of planning to spy

According to The Ferg, Tik Talk responded to a Forbes article by accusing it and the mother firm of intending to use the app to track specific American residents’ personal beliefs.

While the article claims that the parent company byte Dance Malikk Tek Tok has thought about obtaining data on The site is one of the American users, Tech Talk Forbes was also accused in a series of tweets of omitting an important part of its claim that Tek Tok does not collect accurate information about the geographic location of American users.

According to the story, the byte dance internal team, which is typically tasked with keeping an eye on persons who currently work for the firm or have in the past, planned to keep an eye on at least two Americans who had never been associated with the company in a professional capacity.

According to Forbes, the report was based on articles that she had seen, but it omitted information about persons who might have been monitored or the motivation behind Bait Dance’s plan to do so, stating that doing so might put its sources at risk.

The Forbes article said that Tek Talk and Bayt Dance did not answer the questions whether the internal audit team had previously targeted politicians, activists, public figures, or American journalists, and compared the alleged plan to the “Gallble” program of Uber, which targeted specific users, where it was presented. In other situations, a deceptive version of the application is presented to legislators.

Speaking on Twitter, Tek Tok said that no one has ever targeted in those groups, and that she does not change the experience within the application for those people. The business also said that in order to gather the data required to carry out internal investigations, the audit team adheres to a set of standards and processes.

In response to her claim that Tek Tok was preparing to spy,

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