“Tek Talk” uses Swiss writer Joel Decker to enhance her presence in the literary field

“Tek Talk” uses Swiss writer Joel Decker to enhance her presence in the literary field

A move by the Chinese platform to solidify its entry into the literary world, “Tech Talk” has revealed that it has added the Swiss author Joel Decker, whose works are among the best-selling.
Since publishing “The Truth regarding the case of Harry Keiber” in 2012, the 37-year-old Swiss novelist has sold 13 million copies of his books worldwide. In March of last year, he established his publishing firm “Rosie and Wolf” by releasing his most recent book, “Case Alaska Sanders.”

“Tek Talk uses the hashtag #booktok to try to draw in young readers. The platform made an investment to give authors, publishers, and libraries an audience.
While “Tek Tok” short movies are not well suited for traditional literary criticism, they are helpful for presenting novels.
The promotion of some books through the accounts of “Tik Talk” with high follow -up rates contributed to improving their sales..

Joel Decker, a Swiss author, is used by “Tek Talk” to increase her visibility in the literary world.

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