She migrated in a boat without her parents … The story of a little girl raises a stir in Tunisia

She migrated in a boat without her parents … The story of a little girl raises a stir in Tunisia

After sending their 4-year-old daughter to Italy on a perilous journey on an illegal migration boat, in an accident that caused a stir in Tunisia and raised many questions, the Tunisian authorities detained a couple to investigate them.
Italian media said that a 4-year-old girl left her parents and travelled illegally for many hours before arriving at Lampedusa Island on a boat crammed with immigrants.

The complete family, comprising of the father, mother, and son, age 7, was intended to take part in the migration journey that began from the coast of the coastal “fisherman” area, according to the initial information. The father left the girl with a smuggler on the boat and came back to assist his wife and son in getting across, but he had already left and was sailing the child by himself.

However, according to the Tunisian authorities, her father was accused of “making an arrangement aimed at crossing the border clandestinely and harming a minor” and was under investigation for possible involvement in human trafficking. The spokesperson for the National Guard, Hossam Al -Jabably, confirmed that the research revealed that the child’s father handed it over to one of the secretaries of the secret immigration trips to send it to Italy for a financial fee of 24 thousand Tunisian dinars (about 7.

5 thousand dollars) and went back to his house so he could meet her and her mother.
On social media, the Tunisians interacted with the story of this girl, between those who blamed the family for exposing her daughter’s life to danger, and who attributed this to the acute social and economic conditions in the country, which forced them to risk their lives on an unknown journey to search for a better life.

This tragedy is one of many left by illegal immigration journeys, which resulted in the deaths of many people who fled in quest of a better future.
The Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights, which is concerned with immigration, anticipated that this year, roughly 500 Tunisian families will migrate to the Italian coast, despite the numerous drowning events.

Additionally, he estimated that around 13,500 irregular immigrants from Tunisia fled from the country’s coast, including roughly 2,600 juveniles and 640 dates, and that 600 people are still unaccounted for.

She migrated in a boat without her parents … In Tunisia, a young girl’s tale causes a sensation.

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