Peace talks on Tigray will be held in South Africa

Peace talks on Tigray will be held in South Africa

The Ethiopian government announced on Thursday that it will take part in peace talks organised by the African Union on October 24 in South Africa in an effort to put an end to the ongoing conflict in Tigray that has lasted over two years.
“We were informed by the African Union Commission that the peace negotiations for Tigray will take place on October 24, 2022, in South Africa. We declared that we would be there.”
However, he continued, “we are disturbed by those who are keen to anticipate peace discussions and circulate untrue claims against defensive measures.

International calls to stop the escalating violence in Tigrey have escalated since a failed attempt by the African Union earlier this month to bring the two warring parties to the negotiating table.
The African Union was to facilitate discussions between the government and the Tigray rebels, but the meeting never took place, and the war-torn area saw a deterioration in the situation.

The government declared this week that it had taken control of three towns in Tigray after insurgents from the region had been attacked by Ethiopian military and their allies from neighbouring Eritrea.

There will be Tigray peace talks in South Africa.

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