Horror scenario .. What destruction caused by a small nuclear bomb?

Horror scenario .. What destruction caused by a small nuclear bomb?

The British tabloid “Daily Mail” claims that although if the majority of specialists think a nuclear weapon strike on Paris, London, New York, or Washington is extremely unlikely, it still cannot be ruled out.
The world is closer than ever to “Armgdon” (the end of the world war), according to US Vice President Joe Biden, who made the warning during the Cold War over the Cuban missile crisis.

However, Russia asserted that it would only use nuclear weapons to defend itself and its territory from Western countries, confirming that it has maintained a significant presence in Ukraine.
What would happen if nuclear bombs struck a big metropolis, questioned “Daily Mail”?
The American specialist Jeffrey Lewis from the Midelbury Institute for International Studies provided the response.

According to him, a bomb hurled from 500 kilometres out would create enormous damage on all levels if it were to land in London, the capital of the United Kingdom.
There are five different tiers of destruction caused by a nuclear weapon in a circle with a diameter of tens of kilometres.
The position of the bomb and its surroundings are in the lowest layer, at a distance of 1.

6 kilometres, the area will be entirely destroyed as a result of a massive flame ball, with a 100% injury rate, while third-degree burns may occur in the wider circle (the most dangerous types of burns).
Although it has a fantastic appearance, it is not the largest nuclear weapon in the Russian arsenal.
The nuclear bomb on London may lead to 400,000 dead and injure 877,000 by withdrawing the estimates of the American expert.

But if a nuclear bomb detonates in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, estimations suggest that 365,000 people might perish and 317,000 could be injured.
The single 15 kg nuclear bomb that was used to destroy Hiroshima in Japan during World War II killed 140,000 people.
This indicates that the new nuclear weapons are capable of ten times the amount of destruction that Hiroshima experienced.

According to Jeffrey Lewis, the nuclear missile journey from Russia to Britain takes around 15 minutes and the travel to the United States takes about 30 minutes.

Horror scenario: What kind of devastation will a modest nuclear weapon cause?

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