“Haaretz”: More than 100 attacks by the settlers on the Palestinians in 10 days

“Haaretz”: More than 100 attacks by the settlers on the Palestinians in 10 days

More than 100 attacks against Palestinians by settlers were documented by the Palestinian News Agency Wafa in various parts of the West Bank, according to the Israeli publication “Haaretz.”

The newspaper stated that in the last ten days, the settlers were attacked more than 100 times, and that most of these attacks took place in the northern West Bank, especially in the town of Hawara, and this violence was not addressed by the Israeli army chief of staff who was quick to condemn The soldiers were attacked by the settlers, who also doused them in pepper spray.

According to the publication, the attackers of the Israeli army’s leaders and soldiers were also those who attacked the Palestinians, but the army’s top brass avoids addressing the attacks on the Palestinians for fear of being accused of adopting a political stance.

The Israeli army has claimed that those who carry out attacks on Palestinians are a minority. According to the newspaper, this is untrue because many settlers—including women, children, and senior citizens—participate in attacks against Palestinians.

She noted that settlers are “campaigning against Israeli army minister Benny Gantz by demonstrating as though they are victims to elevate Israeli public opinion that the army lost control of security in the West Bank.

In this context, our correspondent claimed that the Israeli occupation army did not detain or look into the terrorist settlers who regularly assault Palestinian residents and their property, instead defending and protecting the assailants settlers.

More than 100 attacks on Palestinians by settlers in just 10 days, according to “Haaretz”

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