“Arab Criticism”: The Abu Dhabi Market offers Arab stock exchanges during the third quarter of $ 58.3 billion

“Arab Criticism”: The Abu Dhabi Market offers Arab stock exchanges during the third quarter of $ 58.3 billion

The third quarter of this year saw the Abu Dhabi Securities Market advance on Arab Stock Exchanges, with market gains topping 58.3 billion dollars, according to an announcement from the Arab Monetary Fund.
The fund added, in the quarterly bulletin of Arab financial markets, that the market value of the Abu Dhabi market increased from 542. 42 billion dollars at the end of the second quarter of this year to reach 600. 76 billion dollars at the end of the third quarter 2022.

She explained that the Dubai Financial Market has achieved market gains of $ 13. 14 billion during the third quarter; His market capital increased from 143. 57 billion dollars at the end of the second quarter to 156. 7 billion dollars at the end of the third quarter of this year.
She noted that the market value on the stock exchanges of Kuwait, Qatar, Egypt, and Muscat had also increased by roughly 2.39, 3.60, 4.77, and 5.05 respectively.

85 billion dollars, while the market value of the stocks traded on the stock markets in Palestine, Damascus, and Bahrain increased by around 100.25, 106.45, and 676.41 million dollars, respectively.

The bulletin stated that despite the state of fluctuation and instability seen in the majority of indicators of the global financial markets, as well as a number of emerging markets, during the third quarter of 2022, the performance of the Arab stock exchanges showed a difference that was dominated by the relative improvement.

According to the report, the third quarter’s individual performance of the Arab financial markets was strong, with performance indicators rising at eleven Arab exchanges while falling at five Arab stock exchanges.
The combined value of the shares traded on the Arab financial markets in the third quarter of this year was around 168.47 billion dollars, and the total number of shares exchanged was around 118.69 billion.

“Arab Criticism”: The Abu Dhabi Market provided 58.3 billion dollars in third-quarter trading for Arab stock exchanges.

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