Washington: We have evidence of Russia’s use of Iranian enlightenings

Washington: We have evidence of Russia’s use of Iranian enlightenings

US State Department spokesman Ned Price confirmed on Thursday that his country has great evidence of the use of Iranian aircraft to bomb Ukrainian civilians and a vital infrastructure.
Price emphasised that his country will not hesitate to use sanctions and other appropriate tools against all those involved in transportation operations after stating that Washington discussed the company of Britain and France before the Security Council and that it was reported that Iran was transferred to Russia.

According to Ukrainian President Folodimir Zellinski, 233 Iranian-made aircraft were shot down by Ukrainian forces in a single month, showing that the army is making an effort to defend Ukrainian airspace and secure everyone’s safety.
New sanctions were issued by the United States against Russian citizens and a Russian military purchasing company that were allegedly purchasing military technology from American firms and selling it to Russian customers.

The US Treasury said that the sanctions and exports restrictions imposed by the allies made Moscow face increasing difficulties in securing production inputs and the necessary technologies for its war, which made it resort to suppliers of less quality products, he said.
It was previously made public by the American “NBC” network that Washington had discovered American technological components within Russian weapons in Ukraine.

If the UN sends an expert committee to look into the remnants of protests in Ukraine, the deputy Russian ambassador to the UN has vowed to have Dmitry Pollesky reevaluate their relationship.
Polianski explained that the General Secretariat does not have an authorization to send experts to Ukraine to examine the remains of the conducts, and it is not a penal committee or an expert team, describing the matter without the project.

Pollensky reiterated the accompaniment of Iran’s permanent delegate to deny reports that talk about selling Iranian marches to Russia, noting that Russia has its factories that make enlightenings.
The reports that Iranian marches are being sold to Russia were also reiterated by the permanent representative of Iran and the deputy Russian ambassador to the UN.

Washington: We have proof that Russia has used Iranian illuminations.

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