The resignation of the British Minister of Interior .. After sensitive information on her private phone

The resignation of the British Minister of Interior .. After sensitive information on her private phone

According to the British publication “The Guardian,” British Interior Minister Swala Braverman resigned when Prime Minister Liz Terrash erased her notes and postponed a visit to her.
According to Al-Arabiya/Al-Hadath, the Interior Minister resigned as a result of having critical material on her own phone.

According to rumours, Grant Shasab, the former minister of transportation who backed Rishi Sonak for the Conservative Party presidency, may take Braverman’s post in another abrupt renewal of the current administration.
A meeting in the House of Commons is where the Prime Minister spoke to Braverman, according to insiders. The Prime Minister was supposed to visit a defensive technology company this afternoon.

According to the publication, one of the harshest detractors of a terrace on the highest tax rate was the interior minister.
After the Ministry of Interior approved significant legislation (the public order law), Braverman left her position. A close friend who spoke to her earlier this week described her as “optimistic.”
The parliament session today started with the shouts of booing and a barrage of criticism, against the British Prime Minister.

The leader of the opposition Labor Party, Kiir Starmer, has particularly lambasted and mocked conservative politics this time around.
But the critics’ swords do not spare her; she was struck from all sides. Many deputies questioned their ability and plan.

In reference to government accountability meetings, several of them also questioned, “Why are you here if” your programme was good. Another said, “Do we refrain from washing our faces with warm water in the winter?”
She was responding, nevertheless, and expressing her survival.
Since the government’s stated tax reduction programme was eliminated by new Finance Minister Jeremy Hunt last month, it appears that the first parliamentary interrogation session “ran out” on the terrace.

Notably, the non-funded tax cut package announced on September 23 caused turbulence in the financial markets, a drop in the value of the pound, and an increase in the cost of borrowing money for the government in the United Kingdom, which prompted the Bank of England to act to stop the crisis from spreading to the economy and jeopardising retirement pensions.

The interior minister of Great Britain has resigned. After sensitive information on her private phone

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