The American Navy warns: China may invade Taiwan before 2024

The American Navy warns: China may invade Taiwan before 2024

As Washington grows more concerned about threats against the island, the US Navy chief emphasised the necessity for the US military to be prepared in case China invades Taiwan before 2024.
According to the “Venice Times” newspaper, Admiral Mike Gildi, commander of marine operations, advised the United States to consider the possibility that China would move against Taiwan in a considerably closer time frame than previously warned.

Since Admiral Philip Davidson, the head of the leadership of the Indian and Pacific Ocean, informed Congress last year that the Chinese army could attack against Taiwan before 2027, there has been debate in the United States over when China will invade Taiwan. The significance of Davidson’s warning helped to mitigate it to some extent, but officials have increased their cautions over the past year.

At an Atlantic Council conference on Wednesday, Gildai stated, “When we talk about 2027, in my opinion it must be 2022 or possibly 2023. All that is to say that we cannot wish it away.
Two days prior to Gildai’s remarks, Anthony Blancin, the US Secretary of State, stated that China “is resolved to begin reuniting the island according to a timetable much faster after it concluded that the current situation is no longer acceptable.

“China asserts its sovereignty over Taiwan, and Washington has issued a warning against motivating the nation’s pro-independence forces.
President Xi Jinping blamed the United States for supporting Taiwan at the opening of the Communist Party of China’s 20th conference on Sunday. He also accused “external powers” of escalating tensions across the Taiwan Strait and said they would be held accountable if China felt the need to launch an attack.

Joe Biden warned China four times that the US will intervene to defend Taiwan from any unwarranted provocation or attacks, which confirmed the growing worry over Chinese military operations near Taiwan that grew in the wake of US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taipei in August.

The 2027 schedule, according to Bonnie Glaser of the German Marshall Fund, has been “established in the mindset of the United States,” particularly in the Pentagon and the intelligence community. She said, however, that rather than being based on intelligence, it appears to be based on an assessment of when China will be able to attack Taiwan.
Congress will shortly vote on a bill that authorises the purchase of weapons for Tiba, despite US authorities sounding the alarm.

The defence expenditure law will allot $10 billion over the course of five years, and Taiwan will be the first country to receive finance from the United States for the sale of weapons. Taipei has already paid the cost of the American weaponry that Washington promised to sell.

Before 2024, China might invade Taiwan, the American Navy warns

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