PCOS … foods that control the condition … including spices

PCOS … foods that control the condition … including spices

Ovarian cyst syndrome, also known as multiple cystic ovarian syndrome, is a condition that alters the body’s hormonal balance. These hormonal changes can cause the ovaries to swell and develop little bags, which can cause irregular menstruation, obesity, hair growth, and a host of other issues.
However, you can manage the condition’s symptoms by making some lifestyle adjustments, such as altering your food routine, exercising frequently, and getting enough sleep.

Your eating habits have an impact on the condition, therefore it’s crucial to eat healthy, avoid items that can trigger your illness, and instead, include foods that might help you control it, according to the “Healthline” website.
The following foods can be a part of your diet and will benefit you if you develop ovarian cyst syndrome.
Healthy fat: Including healthy fats in your diet can help balance and regulate your hormones. Fat is not always harmful.

Many different foods, such as avocado, almonds, ghee, and others, contain healthy fats that, when consumed in moderation, are good for the body.
Foods high in fibre: Including fibre in your diet can improve your health, but it’s also crucial to eat foods high in protein. Vegetables and fruits with green leaves are good sources of fiber and you should add them to your diet.

Spice: Because the disease can lead to infections, it’s important to eat foods that are anti-inflammatory. Turmeric, cinnamon, and other herbs and spices have anti-inflammatory characteristics, so you should include them in your diet.

Spices are among the foods that can help with PCOS management.

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