After Shihan Carrunaca won the poker for the international novel..What do we know about Sri Lanka?

After Shihan Carrunaca won the poker for the international novel..What do we know about Sri Lanka?

Shihan Carrunaka of Sri Lanka won the Booker Prize for the International Novel in its 2022 session, beating out six other contenders who made the World Prize’s short list.

The Seventeen tea and the exile of many politicians at the start of the twentieth century, led by the leader of the Arab revolution, Ahmed Orabi, who was exiled to Sri Lanka at the time and went by the name Serndib, are Sri Lanka’s two most well-known attributes among Arabs and Egyptians, respectively.

Muslims referred to Sri Lanka as Sarindib and the state, which is made up of a Gerizes in the northern Indian Ocean in the south of the Indian subcontinent, as Ceylon between 1948 and 1972.

The cultural legacy of Sri Lanka spans more than three thousand years and has played a significant role from the time of the Silk Road to the Second World War as a major base for the Allies in their conflict with Japan due to its strategic placement at the main marine road forum.

Over the course of two thousand years, Sri Lanka was governed by local kingdoms. Later, at the beginning of the sixteenth century, Portugal and the Netherlands invaded small portions of the country, and in 1815, the British Empire ruled the entire nation.

Beginning in the early 20th century, a national political movement arose and fought for political independence, which finally materialised in 1948 following amicable negotiations with the British occupier. Its recent history is marked by a bloody civil war, which raged between the Tamil Tigers and the Sri Lankan army from 1983 to 2009 and was ultimately won by the government.

What do we know about Sri Lanka now that Shihan Carrunaca has won the poker game for the worldwide novel?

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