After controversial statements .. Borrell apologizes

After controversial statements .. Borrell apologizes

Joseph Borrell, the coordinator for foreign policy for the European Union, apologised for his inflammatory remarks from the previous week.
Borrell apologised to individuals who were harmed by his remarks that Europe is a garden and the rest is a jungle in statements made exclusively to the Arabic/the event.
The European official had surprised after statements related to a number of topics, from the Russian nuclear threat to reprimanding his diplomats.

Borrell Europe portrayed it as a “garden” that can “invade the garden” in remarks made last week at the opening of the new European Diplomatic Academy in Bruges, Belgium, and that have since been widely shared online.
“The garden should look after the garden, but they won’t keep it safe by erecting barriers. A beautiful small garden surrounded by high walls to prevent the forest from entering will not be a solution.

Since the forest has a huge capacity for growth, the wall will never be tall enough.
The gardeners ought to visit the woodland, he continued. The Europeans must engage the rest of the globe more. Otherwise, we will be invaded by the rest of the globe.
The UAE summoned the acting president of the European Union Mission on Monday and demanded an explanation for Borrell’s alleged racial slurs.

Inappropriate and racist, according to the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Borrell’s remarks “contribute to the escalation of intolerance and prejudice at the global level.”
It is notable that Borrell on Monday refuted claims that his message will be racist or colonial during a press conference. He said that the statements aim to reject the idea of ​​”fortify Europe” and “encourage students to engage with the world. “.

Borrell retracts controversial statements.

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