After discovering a painting behind another painting .. Get to know the owner of the artist Fernanand Legee

After discovering a painting behind another painting .. Get to know the owner of the artist Fernanand Legee

Experts in The Hague believe that the recently discovered work belongs to a training series in which he drew the scene from his studio on the Paris horizon towards Notremam and it works on smoke chimne. This is after the painting of the missing artist, Fernande Legee, to appear more than a century of hiding behind another painting, the work was discovered, a piece that is not named from the “Smokes on the surfaces” series, (1911–12), on the other

With his beginning in the early 1940s, the artist Fernice Legee, a French painter who was born in the city of Oren in 1881, invented a distinctive style that reflects modern technology. His first paintings appear to have been influenced by the French painter Paul Cezanne and the cubist movement; these images gave simplicity similar to stickers. In some of his later drawings, he would draw shapes and plan things over coloured abstract forms.

The artist’s illustration asking Fernand to help the lost
He invented a unique formula in his early works that he named the tube, which he later expanded into a more diagnostic and well-liked style. His bold simplified treatment of modern themes made him a pioneer of pop art..

After discovering a painting behind another painting .. Learn about the artist’s proprietor, Fernanand Legee

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