The Library of Alexandria issues a special number of “Memory of Egypt” .. Qarnan to decipher the Rashid stone symbols

The Library of Alexandria issues a special number of “Memory of Egypt” .. Qarnan to decipher the Rashid stone symbols

The Library of Alexandria issued the issue (49) of the “Memory of Egypt” magazine on the occasion of the centenary of the discovery of the Golden Pharaohs Cemetery, “Tutankhamun”, and the passage of two hundred years on deciphering the Rashid stone.

The discovery of King Tutankhamun’s tomb a century ago was a significant event, according to Ahmed Zayed, the director of the Library of Alexandria, and it had tremendous impact on cultural and archaeological circles around the world. He continued: Two hundred years ago, the deciphering of the symbols on the Rashid stone gave us the opportunity to delve deeply into the history of ancient Egypt and interpret its writings using the right techniques.

“The history of Egypt abounds with a great number of treasures and secrets, we knew some of them, but the history still thinks about us by others, and it may announce it to us, as it happens in successive historical discoveries, and it may hide it for future generations, to remind them that the glory of Egypt is great, which is a unique homeland, In its land, civilizations and cultures, and on its surface, the evidence of history, and the achievements of th

A special file with articles from prominent experts on the history of ancient Egypt was included in the issue, along with images that were originally made public in connection with the November 4, 1922 AD discovery of the Golden Pharaohs Cemetery. Dr. Hussein Abdel-Basir dealt with Tutankhamun’s family, while Ambassador Mohamed Al-Shazly discussed the political rivalry and historical events surrounding the discovery of the tiny pharaoh grave. Dr.

Hind Al-Sherbiny talked about how Tutankhamun’s remnants were destroyed, and Ahmed Abdel-Fattah evaluated the food and drink that the young pharaoh consumed and was discovered in his tomb. The private file also included an article by Dr. Rami Atta, in which he covered the press coverage to discover the Golden Pharaohs Cemetery, and Sami Helmy reviewed the cinematic works that dealt with Tutankhamun.

The issue also had two articles, one from “Champlaon in the Egyptian Memory” by Dr. Ahmed Mansour and the other from “Ptolemy and Cleoptra on the Champollion Table” by Dr. Azza Ezzat, commemorating the two hundred years since the decoding of the Rashid Stone.
The Memory of Egypt magazine is significant because it is published every three months under the direction of Dr. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Zayed, Director of the Library of Alexandria, and Dr.

The editor-in-chief position is transferred to Sameh Fawzi, and the Secretariat of Editorial, run by researcher Iman Al-Khatib, is dispersed to bookstores affiliated with the Library of Alexandria as well as to vendors of printed materials via the Akhbar Al-Youm Foundation.

Memory of Egypt is published in a special edition by the Library of Alexandria. Qarnan to decipher the Rashid stone symbols

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