Methlin performance of the stock exchange indicators during the middle of today’s transactions

Methlin performance of the stock exchange indicators during the middle of today’s transactions

The stock exchange indicators resumed their inconsistent performance today, Tuesday, despite the suspension of trading on a number of shares and the height of
The primary “EGX 30” index decreased by 0.43% to reach 10105 points, while the “EGX” 70 index climbed by 0.62% to reach 2209 points and the “EGAX 100” wide index increased by 0.32% to reach 3157. 41 points.
The Stock Exchange Administration, for its part, declared that it had been decided not to benefit from activities No.

The following value is imposed on the shares of the indicator software company and published information on the current session’s 18 October 2022 instant closing price: 000146094198 – 000146089767.

Indicators of the stock market’s performance when using meth in the middle of today’s transactions

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