Belarus: 9,000 Russian soldiers and 170 tanks east and in the center of the country have deployed

Belarus: 9,000 Russian soldiers and 170 tanks east and in the center of the country have deployed

The Belarusian Ministry of Defense announced that up to nine thousand Russian soldiers and 170 tanks in Belarus, the ally of Russia, will be deployed as part of the establishment of a joint military force between the two countries.
This new force was revealed last week at a time when Russia had overcome obstacles in its campaign on Ukraine and was meant to protect Belarus’ borders from any Ukrainian threat.

According to Valerie Reifenko, the assistant to the Belarusian Minister of Defense for International Military Cooperation, nine thousand Russian soldiers will be arriving in Belarus.
He added that Russia will also be sent to Belarus “170 tanks and even 200 other mechanisms and 100 weapons and mortar cannons of more than 100 mm.

The Russian units will be stationed at “four training areas in the east and central of Belarus,” according to Rivenko, where they will take part in drills that include “combat shooting and launching anti-aircraft missiles.” ”
The Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko accused Poland last week, Lithuania and Ukraine of preparing for “terrorist” and “uprising” attacks in Belarus and announced the establishment of joint military force with Moscow.

According to Belarus, this army will only be defensive and work to protect its borders.
Last summer, Russia has vowed to hold Belarus “in the coming months”, Alexander M missiles capable of carrying nuclear shipments, and will talk to its military aircraft..

9,000 Russian soldiers and 170 tanks have been stationed in Belarus’s east and centre.

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