Because of his relationship with Russian intelligence .. Germany dismisses the head of cyberspace

Because of his relationship with Russian intelligence .. Germany dismisses the head of cyberspace

According to the Associated Press, the ministry announced in a statement that Interior Minister Nancy Viser fired Schwenbum from his job “immediately” as a result of the charges that “damaged confidence in the neutrality and integrity of his administration.”
Since the media exposed Shonbum’s connection to a cybersecurity advice firm thought to be in communication with Russian intelligence services, his situation has become grave.

Shonbum, 53, took part in the founding of a cybersecurity group ten years ago that included professionals from both the public and private sectors. One of its members, according to German media, was “a firm created by a former Russian intelligence agent.”
The German government had announced more than a week ago that it has been investigating media reports comprehensively.

According to the German “DW”, Shonbum participated in 2012 in the establishment of a Berlin -based association known as the “Cyber ​​Security Council in Germany” to advise companies, government agencies and decision -makers, regarding information security issues.
Due to information provided by the Russian intelligence agencies, the association, which describes itself as “politically neutral,” is today the target of harsh criticism.

Shonbum is still connected to the group, according to an inquiry by a show on the “TSDF” television network.
The Handsbalat daily reported the claims have caused “huge unhappiness” within the government. The head of the Bundestag Intelligence Monitoring Committee, Constantine von Notez, called on the government to investigate the accusations “with great firmness.

She said the Interior Ministry “considers all alternatives regarding how to handle the problem.
In a statement posted to its website on Monday, the Association of “Cyber Security in Germany” refuted the allegations and called them “crazy.”
In recent years, Germany has accused Russia of being behind electronic spy attempts.

The most significant of these alleged electronic attacks by Russian pirates on the Bundestag computer network in 2015 resulted in the disruption of all internet service for the entire parliament for days until the network was repaired. Russia denies being responsible for these actions.
Tension between Russia and Germany escalated in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Russian information attacks pose a threat to businesses, people, and critical infrastructure, the Federal Information Technology Security Office warned.
The accusations of Shonbum are at a time when the German police are conducting an “sabotage” work targeting the railway infrastructure, while some officials have accused Russia in the wake of the bombings of Nord Stream pipelines.

On Saturday, critical communication cables were severed at two locations, prompting a three-hour suspension of train operations and resulting in mayhem for thousands of commuters.

Germany fires the director of cyberspace because of his ties to Russian intelligence

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