Turkish President threatened to invade .. The New York Times: Tlassen between Erdogan and Greek Prime Minister in front of 44 European leader

Turkish President threatened to invade .. The New York Times: Tlassen between Erdogan and Greek Prime Minister in front of 44 European leader

At a private dinner with 44 European leaders around ten days ago in Brag, the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Greek Prime Minister Kiriacos Mitsu Takis had a Tlassen accident, according to the American daily “New York Times.”

According to the newspaper, Erdogan accused Mitsotakis of hypocrisy about the resolution of disputes east of the Aegean Sea and he lambasted the European Union for his favouritism toward its members, Greece and Cyprus.
Erdogan started an attack against Greece and threatened to invade, she continued, while the other people, who were amazed and irritated, finished their dinner. We might show up unexpectedly one night, he said.

The Turkish president responded, “In fact, I understood,” when a reporter questioned whether he intended to attack Greece.
The journal noted that while only a small number of diplomats or analysts anticipate conflict, there is growing concern among European diplomats that Erdogan, who is politically threatened, poses a growing threat to his neighbours and that accidents may happen.

Erdogan needs a crisis to reinforce his shaky domestic position after nearly 20 years in power, according to a diplomat whose name was withheld by the newspaper. If Erdogan is not given a crisis, the diplomat warned, Erdogan may create one.
The journal went on to say that Erdogan might require the manufactured crisis given the rise in inflation, the falling value of the lira, and the impending elections in Turkey.

The two nations came dangerously close to going to war over energy exploration in the Aegean Sea in the 1970s, again in the mid-1990s over conflicting claims to an uninhabited rock island in the eastern Mediterranean, and again in 2020 over oil exploration in the disputed waters.

At dinner in Brag, Mitsotakis responded, “Leaders should solve problems, not create new problems,” and he said he was willing to talk about any topic, but he could not keep silent while Turkey threatened the sovereignty of the Greek islands.

The Turkish President made an invasion threat. The New York Times: In front of 44 European leaders, there was a tlassen between Erdogan and the Greek prime minister.

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