The story of the nude refugees .. They found them on the borders of Greece and Turkey

The story of the nude refugees .. They found them on the borders of Greece and Turkey

According to spokesperson Polina Bacola of the European Border Monitoring Agency, Fronx, “Saving 92 immigrants on Friday” with the aid of the Greek authorities.
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees voiced its “great concern regarding stories and disturbing images of 92 people, who were alleged to have been located on the Greek-Turkish land border and who were said to have been stripped of their clothes” in a tweet on Twitter.

According to Bacola from Warsaw, the Fronx’s headquarters, “The Fronx elements confirmed the finding of migrants who were found to be naked, with some of them also having gunshot wounds.
The Greek Minister of Civil Protection charged Turkey with “exploiting illegal immigration,” while Ankara denied any role in the cruel and inhumane treatment of these refugees.
Ismail Katkeli, the deputy interior minister for Turkey, urged Greece to halt “manipulation and deception” in an English-language tweet.

A considerable number of refugees, including Syrian and Afghan nationals, were transferred to Evros by three Turkish army cars, according to Theodoricakus in televised statements.
Note Metarashi, the minister of immigration for Greece, called what transpired on Saturday “a stigma for civilisation.

” Non -governmental organizations and various press investigations are constantly accusing Athens of carrying out forced, illegal and violent reports on their marine and land borders with Turkey, but Athens always denies resorting to these practices that contradict international law.
In a speech at the UN headquarters at the end of September, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed that Greece’s “repressive measures” had turned the Aegean Sea into a “cemetery.”

The NGO Mary stated in response to the occurrence on Sunday that “human rights violations are coordinated in the Evross region, and Turkey and Greece commit them on a regular basis.”
The NGO continued, “When government officials discuss these crimes in public, it simply serves to escalate the conflict between Greece and Turkey.

The tale of the refugees in public. They found them on the borders of Greece and Turkey

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