The benefits of tomato juice for men

The benefits of tomato juice for men

Russian nutritionist Dr. Yelena Solomatina declared that consuming tomato juice frequently enhances digestion and benefits men’s health.
According to the expert, tomato juice has a high concentration of lycopene, which strengthens the mucous membrane, has a favourable impact on digestion, and improves the state of facial skin. Additionally, it benefits men’s health.

“It has been observed that those who consume tomato juice regularly, their skin colour improves. In addition, this drink contains few calories, compared to fruit juices Even vegetable juices. Scientists studied carotene tincture, and they got very encouraging results in the field of slowing prostate diseases in men.
Because tomato juice includes a high amount of salts, which may adversely affect the kidneys’ ability to function, the expert advises against consuming it in excess.

Additionally, it includes uric acid, which under certain circumstances could be harmful to health.
Gazeta, the source. ru.

tomato juice advantages for males

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