Pictures .. an archaeological garden in Iraq is 2700 years old

Pictures .. an archaeological garden in Iraq is 2700 years old

The Assyrian king Sargon II and his son Sennacherib, who succeeded him, ruled from 705-721 BC, and their influence may be seen on the site of Fayeda.
An official opening ceremony for the archaeological park was held on Sunday amid the craggy mountains in the company of the Dohuk governor and Mauritzio Gregante, the Italian ambassador to Iraq.

Only foreign visitors, researchers, and specialists are currently permitted to visit the site, according to Pix Berfkani, director of antiquities and heritage in Dohuk.
The site has a ten-kilometer irrigation channel carved into its walls, south of Dohuk and to the north of Mosul.

Through recent digs at the Fayeda site, Italian archaeologists from Odini University and their colleagues from the Directorate of Antiquities and Heritage of the Dohuk Governorate in the Kurdistan region collaborated to find these murals.

According to Daniele Morande Bonakosi, the co-director of the Italian mission, the two-meter murals are five metres long and date to the end of the eighth century BC and the beginning of the seventh century BC.
She is thought to have been sculpted by King Sergon II or by his son Sennacherib.
Every painting shows an Assyrian ruler presenting a prayer to the seven most revered gods in Assyria.

Sergon II, an Assyrian king who lived in the ninth century BC, established his capital in the Nineveh Plain, near Mosul, in northern Iraq.
One of the five locations that will be a part of the upcoming park project is the Fayed Park.
From its north to south, Iraq is rich in ancient sites where Mesopotamian civilizations like Alsumaria, Akkadia, Babylonian, and Assyrian existed.

Its land witnessed the first civilizations that depend on an economy based on agriculture with innovations in the field of irrigation, and is considered the cradle of the first written law and the first cities.
Due to conflicts and crises, particularly after 2003, Iraq’s remnants were stolen, and in 2014, ISIS seized control of several areas of the nation.

Images. A 2700-year-old archaeological garden can be found in Iraq.

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