Nutritional advice to enhance wound healing … including eating foods rich in vitamin C

Nutritional advice to enhance wound healing … including eating foods rich in vitamin C

According to the “Eatright” website, the majority of wounds that affect healthy people heal quickly as long as they are clean and free of infection, while other types of wounds are more dangerous and call for medical attention. Serious wounds may include bed ulcers because they pose a risk to staying in bed or using a wheelchair. In this report, we offer 5 nutritional tips to speed up wound healing.

Guidelines for encouraging wound healing with a healthy diet
Through the provision of calories, vitamins, minerals, and proteins, healthy food alternatives may aid in recovery.
Plans for nutritious and well-balanced snacks should include the right proportions of items from all food groups, including grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and foods high in protein.

Pick vitamin C-rich produce and foods like broccoli and strawberries.
Choose subsidised grains and meals high in protein, like steak, chicken, seafood, or beans, to get an adequate quantity of zinc.
For some wounds, higher doses of vitamins and minerals may be necessary.
Consume adequate amounts of protein every day. Add a protein source to every meal and snack. The typical menu may include scrambled eggs, yogurt or cheese for a snack and chicken.

Keep hydrated with water or other unappealing beverages.
For people with diabetes, control blood sugar levels to help prevent the development of wounds and support healing and recovery..

Dietary recommendations to speed up wound healing… including consuming vitamin C-rich foods

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