Intel Tathaw

Intel Tathaw

According to new reports, Apple’s increased reliance on the CPUs that it designed for its iPhones and the global decline in personal computer sales caused Intel to experience serious difficulties.

According to Bloomberg, which cited its sources, Intel may have to cut back on staff in order to deal with the crisis brought on by the drop in sales. One of the key factors in this decision was the 15% drop in yearly revenues that the company experienced in the third quarter of this year.

According to reports, the demobilization decisions in Intel will first apply to the employees of the marketing departments and sales groups, as the company is expected to discharge 20% of the employees in these departments, and it is expected that these decisions will be announced before the end of October.
It is unknown how much these items will cost because Intel previously said that “it may have to hike the prices of its products in worldwide markets.”

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