France: A demonstration against “the high cost of living” against the background of hydrocarbons

France: A demonstration against “the high cost of living” against the background of hydrocarbons

The French government deemed the ongoing strike by the workers of the Total Energes group, which prevents fuel distribution in the nation despite the agreement on wages, “unacceptable.” On Sunday, Paris is the site of a protest against the high cost of living organised by the left-wing left of President Emmanuel Macron.

The “New Environmental and Social People’s Union” was urged by the Left Parties Alliance to hold a protest on Sunday against “the rising cost of living and passivity in the field of climate.”
The police said that they expect the participation of up to thirty thousand people in the demonstration, expressing her fear of “the arrival of violent people from the extreme left and from the yellow jackets who want to violate the demonstration.

” The organisers have been alerted about these concerns, a security official said.
Long before the current strikes began, Jean-Luke Milanchon, the Marxist leader of the “rebel” France party, began planning. The organisers, however, are hoping that the ongoing labour actions will find more traction.

The exorbitant charges are intolerable. The purchasing power has decreased at its greatest rate in forty years.

“The time has come for employees who are working hard to win their lives from billions of dollars in earnings from big businesses,” she continued.
However, the French government saw that the continued strike in the oil group, despite an agreement agreed upon by the majority, affects a large number of the economy sectors.

The Minister of Public Accounts, Gabriel Atal, confirmed in an interview with the channels of “Europe 1”, “CINA” and “Lesiko” that “the right to strike is certainly exists, but at some point the country must remain able to work. ” There are undoubtedly a small number of unionists who occasionally give the impression that they are representing the interests of millions of French people.

France: A protest against “the exorbitant cost of living” with a hydrocarbons background

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