France .. a decrease in fuel supplies is continuing due to strikes

France .. a decrease in fuel supplies is continuing due to strikes

In response to a weeklong strike at the large oil corporation Total Energy, French Prime Minister Elizabeth Born stated on Sunday that gasoline supplies at gas outlets continued to decline early this week, raising the risk of recalling additional workers.
Born said in an interview with the French TV network “TF1” that “around 30% of our stations suffer from an issue with at least one sort of fuel.”
On Saturday, figures from the Ministry of Energy revealed that 27.

3% of the petrol stations are experiencing supply issues, down from 28.5% the day before and 30.85% on Wednesday, when the summons first started.
As part of the summons plan, orders were given to select employees to report back to work in order to maintain the minimum level of services.
“We will issue the summons if the situation is heated tomorrow.”
She stated that “organisations that represent the majority of employees have reached an agreement on pay” (in Total Enemz). Employees should report back to work.

Born stated that the government is expected to pass the 2023 budget measure using extraordinary constitutional powers that allow it to bypass Parliamentary voting.
According to Article 49.3 of the Constitution, she continued, the administration will probably use this approach without making an appointment.

France continues to see a decline in fuel supplies as a result of strikes.

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