Al -Burhan: The army is committed to distance from the political battle in Sudan

Al -Burhan: The army is committed to distance from the political battle in Sudan

Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, the head of the Sudanese Transitional Sovereign Council, reaffirmed today—Sunday—the military establishment’s commitment to keeping the country’s political conflict at a distance.
In a statement on Facebook, the Sudanese army quoted Al -Burhan as saying during a meeting with senior military officers, that he hoped that the political forces will agree to overcome the challenges the country faces under the government of independent non -party competencies to the elections.

The declaration stressed that the armed forces will maintain a “one-distance” from everyone without favouritism for any party and support the steps of democratic transformation and stated that the evidence denied the conclusion of any bilateral political settlement with any of the political components.

The results of Sudan’s participation in the Tana Forum in the Democratic Federal Republic of Ethiopia, as well as its discussions with the Ethiopian leadership of issues of mutual concern, were discussed by Al-Burhan with senior officers with the rank of brigade and above and the leaders of the units and formations inside the capital on Sunday.

He discussed the current political situation with the top officials, highlighting the military’s unwavering stance on matters pertaining to national stability and security in light of the present challenges. He also noted the military’s commitment to keeping a distance from political disputes, and he expressed his hope that the political forces would be successful in reaching a level of agreement that would enable the nation to overcome its current problems and move forward.

At the conclusion of the Enlightenment, he denied to the attendees that any bilateral political settlement had been reached with any of the constituents. He also emphasised that the armed forces would maintain the same distance from everyone, remain impartial toward all parties, and support the democratic transformation process.

The leaders of the primary forces, the general inspector, the directors of the many departments and branches, the presidents of the universities, and the commanders of the military bases in the capital were all present when this occurred.

Al-Burhan: The army is devoted to maintaining its neutrality in the Sudanese political conflict.

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