Today’s memory .. Establishing the immortal complex, opening the Library of Alexandria and the departure of Omar Hariri

Today’s memory .. Establishing the immortal complex, opening the Library of Alexandria and the departure of Omar Hariri

There were many significant occurrences on October 16 that altered the course of history. This is because many luminaries in the fields of literature, politics, art, and other fields were born on this day and left us with their literary, political, and artistic personalities. This coincided with the celebration of annual anniversaries, which is what we will discuss in the following report.

Important occasions
In the Battle of Hastenzes in 1066, William Al-Fateh, Duke of Normandy, defeats Harold Godwinson, King of England, and claims the throne.
Queen Mary Antoinette, the wife of King Louis XVI of France, was put to death in 1793 for treason.
King Fouad establishes the Arabic Language Academy in Cairo by royal proclamation in 1933.
1945 – Food and Agriculture Organization / FAO.

1946 – Following their conviction by the Nuremberg Court, ten World War II perpetrators were put to death.
In order to provide significant American economic help to the reconstruction of Europe following World War II, 16 European nations signed the Marshall project in 1948.
1970 – Mohamed Anwar Sadat is officially responsible for the presidency of Egypt, succeeding Gamal Abdel Nasser, after he was the presidency since his death as vice president.
2002 saw the debut of Egypt’s brand-new Alexandria Library.

Ahmed Shawky, an Egyptian poet known as “the prince of poets,” was born in 1868.
American writer Eugene O’Neil, born in 1888, won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1936.
German author Gunter Grass, born in 1927, won the 1999 Nobel Prize for Literature.
Queen Mary Antoinette, consort of King Louis XVI of France, reigned in 1793.
1959 – Dean. US Secretary of State George Marshall won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953.
2011 saw the actor Omar Hariri.
Days and occasions across the world
World Nutrition Day..

The memories of today. Establishing the immortal complex, opening the Library of Alexandria and the departure of Omar Hariri

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