“They sent him to my office” .. Biden renews the call to pass the offensive arms law after the North Carolina accident

“They sent him to my office” .. Biden renews the call to pass the offensive arms law after the North Carolina accident

US President Joe Biden reiterated the Senate’s need to enact the measure banning offensive weapons while expressing his sorrow and condolences to the families of the victims who were killed in a shooting event in North Carolina.
In a statement, Biden said, “We are saddened by families in the Rally of North Carolina’s capital, whose loved ones were murdered and wounded in a new mass shooting in the United States.
Then he said, “Enough.

We share the sorrow of numerous families who had to deal with the dreadful weight of the widespread fire.”
He highlighted to his prior efforts to prevent the importation of guns into the nation, including the passage of the most significant arms safety regulation in almost 30 years.
After expressing that, he said, “We need to take additional action and pass legislation banning offensive firearms. The American people support this logical measure to remove war weapons from our streets . ..

Democrats have already given it their approval in the House of Representatives, and we urge the Senate to follow suit. I will sign it whenever it arrives at my office from them.
On Thursday, the police arrested a suspect of killing five people, one of whom is a policeman in the city of Rally, the North Carolina authorities, southeastern United States, announced.
Source: Organizations.

They delivered him to my office. Biden renews the call to pass the offensive arms law after the North Carolina accident

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