In the month of awareness, some women do not realize the signs of aggression breast cancer

In the month of awareness, some women do not realize the signs of aggression breast cancer

It’s possible that most women are unaware of the peculiar signs and symptoms of breast cancer, an aggressive and fiercely battled kind of inflammation.
The survey, which was conducted online among 1,100 American women between the ages of 18 years or more, showed that while 4 out of 5 women (78%) recognize the presence of a mass in the breast as a sign of breast cancer.

Less than half of women observe the redness of the breast (44 %), the thickness of the skin (44 %), or one of the breasts feeling warm or heavier than the other (34 %) as possible symptoms of breast cancer; Specifically, the rare and aggressive form of the disease known as inflammatory breast cancer.
Because the disease mimics symptoms of breast infection, it is frequently misdiagnosed and can affect any area of the breast or any partial sub-form of the disease.

These symptoms include skin that feels like orange peel or is peeling; a feeling of heavy skin tightening; breast congestion; and redness that resembles an illness.
According to the report, it is important that doctors have a high degree of familiarity with their exact signs and be ready to take immediate action to avoid late diagnosis..

During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, several women fail to recognise the aggressive breast cancer symptoms.

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